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Eth2 Usage

To get started creating eth Validators, we expect you will follow a process like this:

  1. Deploy eth Cluster from the Coinbase Cloud platform.

  2. Generate an API Token on the platform, with create access permissions for the eth Validator Management API.

  3. Generate an eth account to use as the Withdrawal address for Validators.

  4. Identify an eth1 account with enough ETH to fund the desired number of 32-ETH-backed Validators, and enough ETH for the transaction fees to submit one transaction per Validator being allocated.

  5. POST a request to the /eth2/v1/validators endpoint, specifying the number of Validators desired and the rest of the required data, requesting deposit data (DepositData) for each Validator; capture the allocationID returned.

  6. Poll /eth2/v1/allocations/\<allocationID\>, and wait for the result to indicate done = true completion and supply the DepositData for each allocated Validator.

  7. Generate and submit eth1 Deposit Contract transactions for each DepositData returned.

  8. Poll /eth2/v1/validators/\<validatorID\> to monitor the life-cycle progression of any Validator.

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