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Superfluid Staking on Osmosis

Superfluid Staking is the latest innovation on Osmosis, a proof of stake blockchain and decentralized exchange application that enables users to provide liquidity, swap, and access staking (via Osmosis) for tokens from blockchains from across the Cosmos ecosystem.

For more, see Everything you need to know to participate in Superfluid Staking.

1. Provide liquidity on Osmosis

  1. If applicable (see the Osmosis FAQs unbond your OSMO and/or ATOM from the validator where it is staked, or the other liquidity pool it is deposited into on Osmosis, observing the network’s 14 day unbonding period as required.

  2. Once OSMO and ATOM is no longer staked or deposited, add OSMO and ATOM, or only ATOM, to Pool #1 ATOM/OSMO.

  3. Select Add / Remove Liquidity and deposit your preferred assets.

  4. Receive LP tokens representing your share of Pool #1 ATOM/OSMO’s liquidity.

2. Bond LP tokens and Superfluid Stake

  1. Select Start Earning.

  2. Check the box to allow your LP tokens to participate in Superfluid Staking.

  3. Bond your available LP tokens with a 14 day unbonding period and the Superfluid Stake box checked.

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