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2: Stake to Cloud with Celo CLI

If your CELO is held in a ReleaseGold contract...

1. Lock CELO Gold

  1. Ensure you have access to the beneficiary address on the contract.

  2. Execute this command on the Celo CLI:

celocli releasegold:locked-gold \
--contract $CELO_RG_ADDRESS \
--action lock \
--value $VALUE

2. Vote for the Validator Group


$ADDRESS represents a vote signer for a ReleaseGold contract. You will need to use a vote signing key.

  1. Create and authorize a Vote Signing Key using the process detailed here.

  2. Cast your votes with this command on the Celo CLI:

celocli election:vote \
--from $ADDRESS \
--value $VALUE

3. Activate your Votes

After one epoch passes (up to 24hrs) activate your votes with this command on the Celo CLI:

celocli election:activate --from $ADDRESS

4. View your Votes

Execute this command on the Celo CLI:

celocli election:show $ADDRESS --voter
Congratulations! You are now staked to a Coinbase Cloud validator.

If your CELO is in a standard account...

1. Lock CELO Gold

Execute this command on the Celo CLI:

celocli lockedgold:lock --from $ADDRESS --value $VALUE

2. Vote for the Validator Group


$ADDRESS represents a vote signer for a ReleaseGold contract. You will need to use a vote signing key.

Cast your votes with this command on the Celo CLI:

celocli election:vote \
--from $ADDRESS \
--value $VALUE

3. Activate your Votes

After one epoch passes (up to 24hrs) activate your votes with this command on the Celo CLI:

celocli election:activate --from $ADDRESS

4. View your Votes

Execute this command on the Celo CLI:

celocli election:show $ADDRESS --voter
Congratulations! You are now staked to a Coinbase Cloud validator.

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