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INTX FIX Admin Messages


Logon (35=A)

First message that is required immediately upon connection to authenticate the connection.

98EncryptMethodintNMust be 0 (None)
108HeartBtIntintOMust be ≤ 30 (secs). Values greater are capped at 30. Server sends Test Request if client messages are not received in approximately (HeartBtInt x 1.5) seconds. Server terminates session if client messages are not received in approximately (HeartBtInt x 2 seconds). Defaults to 10 seconds if not value provided.
141ResetSeqNumFlagbooleanYSequence numbers always get reset after a disconnect. Defaults to Y and a value of N will result in a Reject on the Login message.
553UsernamestringYClient API Key
554PasswordstringYPassphrase for the API key
58TextstringYA base64 encoded signature generated using HMAC SHA-256 with the secret of the API Key specified in Username (553) and the following payload: Time + Client API Key + Session + Passphrase

Where time is the value in SendingTime (52), Client API key is the value in Username (553), Session is the value in TargetCompID (56), and Passphrase is the value in Password (554).

Important: SendingTime (52) must be in UTC milliseconds YYYYMMDD-HH:MM:SS.sss.
1137DefaultApplVerIDstringYContains the version of the FIX protocol the exchange uses. Only FIX50SP2 is supported. Supported values: 9
8001DefaultSelfTradePreventionStrategycharNThe default SelfTradePreventionStrategy applied to all orders sent on the session unless overridden on a per order basis using the SelfTradePreventionStrategy (8000) in the order request message. The following values specify what to do when two orders submitted by the same portfolio attempt to match:

N = Cancel aggressing order
Q = Cancel both orders

Default if not specified is Cancel both orders (Q).
8013CancelOrdersOnDisconnectcharNCancels all the open orders upon a disconnection. Only applies to Order Entry sessions. The configuration values include:

N = No cancel on disconnect
Y = Only cancels orders from this session
A = Cancels all open orders for this API key

Defaults to N, no cancel on disconnect, if the tag is not provided.

Note: using the session level cancel on disconnect may result in cancellations even when the FIX connection remains healthy. This can occur when the FIX gateway momentarily loses connectivity to its downstream component due to the component getting upgraded or from an AWS failure.
8014CancelOrdersOnInternalDisconnectcharNCancels all the open orders upon an internal disconnection. This happens if the FIX gateway experiences a disconnect to internal systems or other internal applications experience a disconnect that would impact the ability to cancel orders. These internal disconnects can occur from any scenario including planned software updates or unexpected technical issues. Only applies to Order Entry sessions. The configuration values include:

N = No cancel on internal disconnect
Y = Only cancels orders from this session
A = Cancels all open orders for this API key

Defaults to N, no cancel on internal disconnect, if the tag is not provided.

Heartbeat (35=0)

Sent at a prearranged interval from both sides to indicate liveness of the connections and used in response to a TestRequest message (35=1).

112TestReqIDstringCConditionally required when the heartbeat message is sent in response to a TestRequest (35=1) message.

TestRequest (35=1)

This message forces the other side of the connection to send a heartbeat message (35=0) with the TestReqID (tag 112) populated with the same value provided on this message. |

112TestReqIDstringYA unique identifier used to track the response to a test request

Reject (35=3)

A session level reject message sent when the FIX session can't process a message.

45RefSeqNumintYThe MsgSeqNum of the referenced message that was rejected.
371RefTagIDintNThe tag number of the FIX field referenced in the reject.
372RegMsgTypestringNThe MsgType of the FIX message referenced in the reject.
373SessionRejectReasonintNA code to quickly identify common reasons for a reject. Values could include:

0 = Invalid Tag Number
1 = Required Tag Missing
2 = Tag not defined for this message type
3 = Undefined tag
4 = Tag specified without a value
5 = Value is incorrect (out of range) for this tag
6 = Incorrect data format for value
8 = Signature problem
9 = CompID problem
10 = SendingTime Accuracy Problem
11 = Invalid MsgType
13 = Tag appears more than once
14 = Tag specified out of required order
15 = Repeating group fields out of order
16 = Incorrect NumInGroup count for repeating group
17 = Non-data value includes field delimiter (<SOH> character)
18 = Invalid/Unsupported Application Version
99 = Other
58TextstringNA message explaining why the message was rejected.

Logout (35=5)

Sent by either side to terminate the FIX session

58TextstringNDescription of the disconnection reason


LastExecIDRequest (35=F1)

Send this message to request the execId of the last (most recent) event sent by the trading system to this user/session. Can be used to determine if the client missed any events while disconnected. Also serves as a means of validating that the trading system is available and accepting requests.

112TestReqIDstringYA unique identifier for the LastExecIDRequest

LastExecID (35=F2)

Sent in response to LastExecIdRequest.

45RefSeqNumintYMsgSeqNum (tag 34) of request message.
17ExecIDstringYExecID of the last event sent to this user.

EventResendRequest (35=F3)

Send this message to request order events in the specified range be resent. Since this is an application-level request, resent messages will have new sequence numbers and PossDupFlag (tag 43) will not be set; rather, PossResend (tag 97) will be set. Rejects (and any other message that does not contain an execId) will not be resent. Only available on the drop copy session.

22003BeginExecIDstringYLower bound (inclusive) of execIds.
22004EndExecIDstringNUpper bound (inclusive) of execIds.
Resend all events up to the most current event if not set.

EventResendComplete (35=F4)

Sent in response to a successful Event Resend Request following all resent events. Only available on the drop copy session.

45RefSeqNumintYMsgSeqNum (tag 34) of request message.
22005ResentEventCountintYTotal number of events resent.

EventResendReject (35=F5)

Sent in response to an Event Resend Request if the request cannot be fulfilled. Only available on the drop copy session.

45RefSeqNumintYMsgSeqNum (tag 34) of request message.
22006EventResendRejectReasonintYCode identifying reject reason:

1 = BeginExecID is too small
2 = EndExecID is too large
3 = Resend already in progress
4 = Too many resend requests
5 = Server error
58TextstringNDescription of the reject reason

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