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Version: 3.0.0

Coinbase Wallet Injected Ethereum Provider

The Coinbase Wallet browser extension injects an Ethereum provider, as specified by EIP-1193, into the browser at window.ethereum.

You can use this provider in your dapp to request users' Ethereum accounts, read on-chain data, and have the user sign messages and transactions, without using the Coinbase Wallet SDK.

Benefits of using Coinbase Wallet SDK vs. the injected provider

The basic functionality between Coinbase Wallet SDK and the Coinbase Wallet injected provider is very similar. However, the SDK provides some additional helpful features:

  • If Coinbase Wallet extension isn't installed, calling ethereum.request({ method: 'eth_requestAccounts' }) will start a built-in onboarding flow.
  • On mobile, calling ethereum.request({ method: 'eth_requestAccounts' }) will automatically deep-link to your dapp in the Coinbase Wallet native mobile app.

Multiple injected providers

If the user has multiple wallet browser extensions installed that inject ethereum providers (e.g., both MetaMask and Coinbase Wallet), Coinbase Wallet's injected provider will construct a "multiprovider" array at window.ethereum.providers containing the injected provider from each wallet. Coinbase Wallet can be identified in this array by the isCoinbaseWallet property.

More information can be found in our doc on Handling Multiple Injected Extensions.



Identifies if this provider is Coinbase Wallet.



interface RequestArguments {
method: string;
params?: any;

ethereum.request<T>(args: RequestArguments): Promise<T>;

Coinbase Wallet uses request(args) to wrap an RPC API. The params and return value vary by RPC method.

If the request fails for any reason, the Promise will reject with an Ethereum RPC Error.

Coinbase Wallet supports many standardized Ethereum RPC methods, including:

As well as all standard signing methods:

  • eth_sign
  • personal_sign
  • eth_signTypedData
  • eth_signTransaction
  • signTypedData_v1
  • signTypedData_v3
  • signTypedData_v4

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