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Staking dYdX with Keplr Wallet

Keplr wallet is an open-source web-based wallet for the Cosmos ecosystem, including all IBC-enabled Tendermint chains. It is accessible via the Keplr dashboard and as a Google Chrome browser extension.


This tutorial assumes that you have cosmosDYDX stored on your Keplr wallet. If not, start with dydx bridging.

  1. Navigate to the Keplr wallet dashboard (which is also accessible in the Keplr extension by clicking Manage Portfolio in Keplr Dashboard.)

    If you are not logged in to your Keplr wallet, you are prompted to enter the wallet password and click Unlock before being navigated to the dashboard.
  2. Click Stake on the left menu bar.

    When you click Stake, you are prompted to search for an asset or blockchain.
  3. Search for and select the "dYdX" Network, then click Staking > Stake.


    Nothing happens at this step if you don't have cosmosDYDX in your Keplr wallet.

    If you do not have DYDX in your Keplr wallet, nothing happens when you enter a search term.
  4. Copy/paste the Coinbase validator address, select the Coinbase validator, and click Stake.

    Coinbase validator address (hover for the copy icon)

    When you select the Coinbase validator, the delegation details display on the right and the Stake button displays underneath.
  5. Enter the amount to stake in DYDX or US dollars, and click Stake again.

    You can enter the amount in DYDX or US dollars.
  6. Approve the transaction in the Keplr wallet extension window that appears.


You are now staked to a Coinbase validator.

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