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Sign in with Coinbase Pagination


curl \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abd90df5f27a7b170cd775abf89d632b350b7c1c9d53e08b340cd9832ce52c2c'

Example response

"pagination": {
"ending_before": null,
"starting_after": null,
"limit": 25,
"order": "desc",
"previous_uri": null,
"next_uri": "/v2/accounts?&limit=25&starting_after=5d5aed5f-b7c0-5585-a3dd-a7ed9ef0e414"
"data": [

GET endpoints that return an object list support cursor based pagination, with pagination information inside a pagination object. This means that to get all objects, you must paginate through the results by always using the id of the last resource in the list as a starting_after parameter for the next call.

To make it easier, the API contructs the next call into next_uri together with all the currently used pagination parameters. You know that you have paginated all the results when the response's next_uri is empty.

Cursor based pagination protects you from the situation where the resulting object list changes during pagination (new resource gets added or removed).

The default limit is set to 25, but values up to 100 are permitted. Due to permissions and access level control, the response list might in some cases return less objects than specified by the limit parameter. This is normal behaviour and should be expected.

The result list is in descending order by default (newest item first) but it can be reversed by supplying order=asc instead.


limit optionalNumber of results per call. Accepted values: 0 - 100 (default 25)
order optionalResult order. Accepted values: asc, desc (default)
starting_after optionalPagination cursor. Resource ID that defines your place in the list.
ending_before optionalPagination cursor. Resource ID that defines your place in the list.

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